Kurzy, školení, semináře a/nebo rekvalifikace # termíny kurzů: Development Manager


KURZY : Development Manager

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Produktový management v softwarovém vývojiProduct management in software development 2024-05-20 Praha Praktický workshop je určen pro ty, kteří chtějí získat hlubší porozumění agilnímu přístupu v IT produktovém vývoji a naučit se efektivně pracovat s agilními metodologiemi a frameworky. Zaměříme se na principy agility, jako jsou agilní hodnoty, mindset a frameworky, včetně SCRUM a Kanbanu. Seznámíte se s rolí Product managera/Product Ownera a naučíte se úspěšně řídit stakeholdery v organizaci a sestavovat a motivovat vývojové týmy v remote prostředí. Získáte znalosti, jak si vytvořit produk ...
Produktový management v softwarovém vývojiProduct management in software development 2024-11-18 Brno Praktický workshop je určen pro ty, kteří chtějí získat hlubší porozumění agilnímu přístupu v IT produktovém vývoji a naučit se efektivně pracovat s agilními metodologiemi a frameworky. Zaměříme se na principy agility, jako jsou agilní hodnoty, mindset a frameworky, včetně SCRUM a Kanbanu. Seznámíte se s rolí Product managera/Product Ownera a naučíte se úspěšně řídit stakeholdery v organizaci a sestavovat a motivovat vývojové týmy v remote prostředí. Získáte znalosti, jak si vytvořit produk ...
AD183 - Red Hat Aplication development I: Programming in Java EE 2024-07-08 Praha 7 Helping Java SE developers write Java EE applications. Red Hat Application development I: Programming in Java EE (AD183) exposes experienced Java Standard Edition (Java SE) developers to the world of Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE). This course is based on Red Hat® Enterprise Application Platform 7.0. In this course, you will lea about the various specifications that make up Java EE. Through hands-on labs, you will transform a simple Java SE command line application into a multi-tiered ...
DO288 - Red Hat OpenShift development II: Containerizing Applications with Kubernetes 2024-05-27 Praha 7   Design, build, and deploy containerized applications on Red Hat OpenShift Red Hat OpenShift development II: Containerizing Applications (DO288) teaches you how to design, build, and deploy containerized software applications on an OpenShift cluster Whether you are migrating existing applications or writing container-native applications, you will lea how to boost developer productivity powered by Red Hat® OpenShift Container Platform, a containerized application platform that allows enterpris ...
DO188 - Red Hat OpenShift development I: Introduction to Containers with Podman 2024-07-01 Praha 7 Red Hat OpenShift development I: Introduction to Containers with Podman (DO188) introduces students to building, running, and managing containers with Podman and Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform. This course helps students build the core skills for developing containerized applications through hands-on experience. This course is based on Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® 8.6 and OpenShift® Container Platform 4.12. Audience Developers and Site Reliability Engineers that are new to cont ...
ITIL4 Foundation + Exam 2024-05-21 Praha 7 The course covers the best practice framework of ITIL 4 at a foundational level. Students lea about the service value system (SVS), the four dimensions of service management, the service value chain, the 7 guiding principles, and service management practices. ITIL 4 is a non-prescriptive, industry best practice providing a vendor-neutral, technology-agnostic framework to address service management challenges by reshaping much of the established ITSM practices in the wider context of custo ...
DO180 - Red Hat OpenShift Administration I: Operating a Production Cluster 2024-05-13 Praha 7 Red Hat OpenShift Administration I: Managing Containers and Kubernetes (DO180) prepares OpenShift cluster administrators to manage Kubernetes workloads and to collaborate with developers, DevOps engineers, system administrators, and SREs to ensure the availability of application workloads. This course focuses on managing typical end-user applications that are often accessible from a web or mobile UI and that represent most cloud-native and containerized workloads. Managing applications also incl ...
RH294 - Red Hat Enterprise Linux Automation with Ansible 2024-05-13 Praha 7 Red Hat System Administration III: Linux Automation (RH294) is designed for Linux® system administrators and developers who need to automate provisioning, configuration, application deployment, and orchestration. This course is based on Red Hat® Enterprise Linux 8.4 and Red Hat® Ansible Automation platform 1.2. Ways To Train/Test Red Hat offers a method of training that is convenient to you - classroom, online, or at your site. Audience This course is geared toward Linux system admi ...
LS300 - Red Hat Learning Subscription for Developers Květen 2024 Praha 7 Red Hat Learning Subscription Developer was designed with developers in mind. A single, annual subscription delivers access to all Red Hat Training courses for developers, including content on Red Hat OpenShift ® , Red Hat Middleware , and containers. Through a dynamic, online learning platform including video classroom courses, e-books, and hands- ... [Termín kurzu bude upřesněn]
RH403 - Red Hat Satellite 6 Administration 2024-06-17 Praha 7 Red Hat Satellite 6 Administration (RH403) is a lab-based course that explores the concepts and methods necessary for successful large-scale management of Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® systems. You will lea how to configure Red Hat Satellite 6 on a server and populate it with software packages. You will use Red Hat Satellite to manage the software development life cycle of a subscribed host and its configuration, and lea how to provision hosts integrated with software and Ansible® configuration ...
Veritas Enterprise Vault 14.1: Administration 2024-08-05 Praha 7 The Veritas Enterprise Vault Administration I course is designed for system administrators tasked with operating, integrating, and monitoring the day-to-day performance of Enterprise Vault within a Microsoft Exchange environment. This five-day, instructor-led, hands-on class covers Enterprise Vault’s functionality, operations and features. Additional topics include using reports, basic management, and an overview of Enterprise Vault backup and restore requirements. After you complete this co ...
Akademie ESG 2024-05-20 Praha 2 Pod zkratkou ESG jsou zahrnuty názvy 3 oblastí Environment, Social a Governance. Společnosti a organizace budou muset na tyto oblasti reagovat, jiným způsobem vnímat měnící se svět nejen okolo samotných firem, ale i přímo uvnitř, neb řada změn se bude týkat lidských, sociálních vazeb. Vlastníci a vrcholné vedení společností budou myslet jinak, v so ...
Veritas InfoScale 8 Fundamentals for UNIX/Linux: Administration 2024-06-03 Praha 7 The Veritas InfoScale Fundamentals for UNIX/Linux Administration course is designed for the IT professional who wants an overview of the Veritas InfoScale Storage and Veritas InfoScale Availability products. This five-day class is a condensed version of the five-day Veritas InfoScale Storage for UNIX/Linux: Administration course and the five-day Veritas InfoScale Availability for UNIX/Linux: Administration course. This is a subset of the two courses, and it covers the absolute basics of the ...
Zobrazeno celkem: 13 rekvalifikačních kurzů, školení a/nebo seminářů pro: Development Manager


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